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  • Pa Hto Taw Gyi
  • Pa Hto Taw Gyi
  • Kyaik Htee Yoe
  • Ayeyarwady River
  • Kyauk Ka Latt
  • Popa
  • Popa
  • Popa
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Contact to Us

Yangon Office

Address : No.(34), Manaw Hari Road, Dagon Township, Yangon, The Republic of the Union of MYANMAR.
Telephone : + 95 - 01 - 223321, 09 - 8601569, 09 - 73098708 , 09 - 73098709
Fax : +95 - 01- 227638
Email : travels@waaneiza.com

Mandalay Office

Address : Myat Saw Nyi Naung Pagoda Street, Corner of Yuzana Street, Between (23 x 24) & (88 x 89) Street, Aung Myay Thar San Township, Mandalay.
Telephone : + 95 - 02 - 72011, 02 - 68890, 02 - 23646
Fax : +95 - 02- 68890
Email : travels@waaneiza.com

Contact Form

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Waaneiza Contact Form

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