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  • Pa Hto Taw Gyi
  • Pa Hto Taw Gyi
  • Kyaik Htee Yoe
  • Ayeyarwady River
  • Kyauk Ka Latt
  • Popa
  • Popa
  • Popa
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Destination In Mrauk U

  Mrauk U

Largely unknown to the Western world for much of its turbulent history, Rakhine played a pivotal role in the exchange of cultures and religions between India and Southeast Asia. For over a thousand years the region which now forms the Rakhine State, Myanmar was an independent state whose rich history is only slowly being paid the attention it deserves.

Other Places

  • Andaw Pagoda
  • Lemyathnar Pagoda
  • Shittaung Pagoda
  • Sanda Muni
  • Pitakataik
  • Koethaung Pagoda
  • Dukkanthein
  • Mrauk U Museum
  • Shwedaung Pagoda
  • Zina Man Aung Pagoda
  • Yadanar Pon Pagoda
  • The Palace Site
  • Lawka Man Aung Pagoda
  • Mingalar Man Aung Pagoda
  • Sakkyar Man Aung Pagoda
  • Yadanar Man Aung Pagoda
  • Laungbanpyauk Pagoda
  • Pagodas around Mrauk U

Destination In Bago


Bago still has many interesting things to see. Situated 80 kilometers (50 miles) northeast of Yangon, it makes an ideal day trip or an en route stop on the way to Golden Rock. Dating back over 1'000 years, Bago, and its famous 374ft (114m) high Shwemawdaw Pagoda offered insight into yet an earlier chapter of Myanmar's history. It is now a small lively town with a nearby river with abundant fish. The highlight in Bago includes Bago market, the 180 feet (55 meters) long Shwe Thar Lyaung beautiful reclining Buddha. Steam engines can still be seen on Bago railway lines.

Destination In Myitkyina


Myitkyina is a Kachin market town. Although it can be reached by train from Mandalay being the northern most railway terminus, the almost-24-hour-train-ride can be really challenging. Domestic flights operate some two to three days a week from Yangon and Mandalay. A common reason for going to Myitkyina for a lot of travelers is to enjoy long river travel on the Ayerwaddy. Visiting Myitkyina and proceeding the journey down the river to Bhamo and then onto Mandalay needs a great spirit of adventure and requires some seven flexible days to spare to comfortably overcome the possible unexpected limitation of nature and logistics.

Destination In Ngwe Saung Beach

  Ngwe Saung Beach

Ngwe Saung Beach Resort, opened in the year 2,000, is one of the loveliest and most pleasant beach resorts in Myanmar. Located in the Ayeyarwady Division, some 48 kilometres from the town of Pathein, Ngwe Saung, with a beach frontage on the Bay of Bengal with its clear blue waters, its white crested waves, sandy beaches and unspoiled and pollution-free natural surroundings, is indeed one of the best places to select for a holiday interlude of rest and relaxation.

Destination In Phaungdawoo Pagoda

  Phaungdawoo Pagoda

The Phaungdawoo Pagoda is situated in Inle Lake, one of the most dazzling and magical places in Asia. It is held on a grand scale for 18 days, usually falls in October (sometimes in September). One of the famous principal shrines in Myanmar, this pagoda houses five small Buddha images. Once a year, in end Sept-early Oct., there is a pagoda festival during which the five Buddha images are rowed around the Lake in a colourful barge. Situated in Inle Lake, one of the most dazzling and magical places in Asia. It is held on a grand scale for 18 days, usually falls in October (sometimes in September). Four Buddha Images out of five from Phaung-daw-oo Pagoda are carried on royal barge and conveyed around 14 villages on the Lake. The barge is towed by the boats of leg -rowers and hundreds of boats follow the procession. The large crowds of people gather on the lake-shores to celebrate the occasion. It is really a splendid sight.

Destination In Sagaing


Sagaing lies 21 km south-west of Mandalay on the west bank of the Ayeyarwady River. It is also an ancient capital of 'Sagaing Dynasty' Sagaing Hills are known as a religious retreat where over 400 monasteries for monks and nuns are located for Buddhist studies and meditation. About 10 km from Sagaing is the Kaung-hmu-daw, an enormous dome-shaped pagoda, built by King Thalun in 1636 on the model of the Maha-ceti Pagoda of Sri Lanka. Ywataung village is well known for its silver-smiths, and the world largest ringing bell is located in Mingon of Sagaing Division.
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