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  • Pa Hto Taw Gyi
  • Pa Hto Taw Gyi
  • Kyaik Htee Yoe
  • Ayeyarwady River
  • Kyauk Ka Latt
  • Popa
  • Popa
  • Popa
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#  Visa for Myanmar

1)   What kind of visas are avaliable in myanmar ?

        Usually you will be granted a tourist visa that is valid for 28 days from your arrival in Myanmar. You have to arrive in Myanmar within 90 days of visa issue date. Please check those details with the Embassy in charge for your application! NEW! Since 1st May 2010 there is a real VISA ON ARRIVAL possible in Myanmar (without the need for an advance application and approval)! it is still possible to apply for visa with Embassies abroad as in the past. if applying ahead is not a major problem, we rather recommend to apply with the Embassy anyway to avoid the risk of e.g. having problems at check-in with your airline.
There is a temporary suspension of VISA ON ARRIVAL from 1st September 2010 onwards.

2)   Can I extend my visa for Myanmar ?

        If you prefer to have the visa issued in advance: Apply for visa at any Myanmar Embassy.

3)   How can I fly to Myanmar (Burma) ?

        Most flights coming to Myanmar connect from Bangkok or Singapore. Amongst the airlines flying to Yangon are:
- Silk Air (regional arm of Singapore Airlines) and Jetstar Asia from Singapore.
- Malaysian Airlines, Air Asia (from July 2010) and Myanmar Airways International from Kuala Lumpur. Thai Airways, Myanmar Airways International, Bangkok Airways and Thai Air Asia from Bangkok.
- Air China flies from Beijing via Kunming.
- Vietnam Airlines from Hanoi (Vietnam)
- Air Bagan from Chiang Mai (northern Thailand) - they plan to increase to three flights per week from November 2010.
- Air Bagan plans to start flights to Phuket (Thailand) from December 2010 onwards. we have no schedule yet however.
- Qatar Airways stopped flights to Yangon in January 2008.
There are at present no suitable flight connections to other airports in Myanmar although there were flights offered to Mandalay previously. There are flights from Yangon and Mandalay to Kunming (Yunnan Province - China) Air Mandalay previously flew from Yangon to Chiang Mai and from Chiang Mai to Mandalay / Yangon. Those flights however were suspended in 2008. PB Air offered in the past return flights from Bangkok to Bagan but has no plans to continue. Air Bagan had plans to fly from Bangkok to Bagan and from Siem Reap (Angkor Wat) to Yangon but haven't implemented flights.

4)   Which domestic Airlines are available in Myanmar ?

        The following domestic Airlines fly within Myanmar:
- Air Bagan,
- Air Mandalay and
- Yangon Airways.
State-owned Myanmar Airways (domestic). Air Bagan, Air Mandalay and Yangon Airways are private airlines, flying French built ATR 42 and ATR 72 planes. Air Bagan in addition has Fokker F100 for domestic routes.
We intentionally do not display flight schedules here as they often change and have to be read with caution. Ask us for connections !

#  Money for Myanmar

1)   Can I use traveler checks and credit cards in Myanmar (Burma) ?

        Automatic teller machines are not available in Myanmar! Since October 2004 credit cards and traveller cheques are not anymore accepted in the country. Any other information you may read is outdated, although some of the better hotels accept credit cards again (sometimes against hefty surcharge!). You should definitely not rely on this! PLEASE BRING SUFFICIENT CASH WITH YOU, PREFERABLY US DOLLAR! Crispy, new currency with no markings and tears only! Worn out and stamped USD bank notes are often rejected.

2)   What is the local currency in Myanmar ?

        The local currency is called Kyat. Kyat bank notes are available between 1 and 5000 Kyat. 1000 Kyat are around 1 USD but sometimes rates are heavily fluctuating. Coins are no longer in use.

3)   Where can I change US Dollar / Euro into Kyat in Myanmar ?

        There are a number of money changers. The best exchange rate usually is offered in Yangon. Large USD denominations are exchanged at a higher rate. Euro can be reasonably changed in Yangon. Therefore it may be better to change most of your Euros at home into USD.

4)   Is there a mandatory exchange required in Myanmar ?

        Since August 2003 there is NO requirement anymore to change on arrival (Previously 200 USD had to be changed into Foreign Exchange Certificates, FEC) FEC are still legal tender but tourists will seldom see them these days.

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